Wednesday, July 6, 2016

HELP! I Have Been Charged With DUI in Scottsdale, AZ

When you are charged with a DUI, you can breathe a sigh of relief if you were not caught in Arizona. With some of the toughest DUI laws in the nation, Arizona is not the place you want to fight a DUI charge.

In the unfortunate event your case is in Arizona, you need the
best DUI lawyers in Scottsdale.


A DUI conviction can haunt you for a very long time. It stays on your driving record for five years. At best, this increases your insurance rates. At worst, it can make you uninsurable or interfere with your ability to obtain employment that requires a clean driving record.

Then there is the criminal aspect.

If you have a felony DUI conviction, it does not matter if you are a good, upstanding citizen. It does not matter if you do great things in your community, volunteering your time and donating money to charity. Because with a felony conviction, you are now considered a “felon”.

What does it mean to be a “felon”? For one, it means certain civil rights could be suspended.
  • Your right to vote
  • Your right to hold a public office
  • Your right to serve on a jury
  • Your right to possess a firearm
Having a felony criminal record could discourage certain employers from hiring you. It could affect whether a college is willing to allow you to attend classes. It carries a social stigma.

All of this can happen from one aggravated DUI conviction. Even if your DUI conviction is only a misdemeanor, in Arizona, that conviction with remain on your record for ever.

Criminal Penalties for a DUI in Scottsdale

In addition to the criminal charge, there are the penalties associated with the crime:
  • Jail time (10 days for a regular misdemeanor DUI); Prison time (four months minimum for a first time aggravated DUI)
  • Suspended license
  • Fines
  • Alcohol screening
  • Ignition interlock device installation
Now it is clear why you need your Scottsdale DUI Lawyer to be the best.

Help Is Available

The Law Offices of David Michael Cantor will give you your best defense to DUI charges. This Scottsdale law firm is determined to ensure the lawfulness of police actions. With the expertise of the David Michael Cantor defense team, if there is a way out of the charges, the firm will find it and utilize it to your defense.

Police may not have provided you all your rights at the time of arrest. They may have arrested you without probable cause if field tests were not done accurately or if you were not legitimately “in physical control” of the vehicle. If their equipment was not properly calibrated, the test results could not be inadmissible in court. You may have been denied the right to counsel or stopped for discriminatory reasons.

You may not even realize it yourself if any of these were true in your case, but David Michael Cantor, a DUI lawyer Scottsdale, will uncover the truth. The tenacity of his team of criminal defense attorneys could save you years of headaches, hassles, and embarrassment.

What to do Next?

If you are facing a DUI charge, what should you do next?

Call (602) 307-0808 to schedule your FREE consultation. An expert
Scottsdale DUI attorney will spend 30 minutes reviewing your case and discussing possible defenses.

Prepare for your consultation. Gather any materials or information you may have. Put them together neatly in a folder or binder. Pictures, police reports, and written statements from yourself and anyone else on scene can all provide valuable information for your consulting attorney, making the best use of your appointment.

Write down any questions you may have, along with any important information you want to make sure to share with your attorney during your free initial consultation. During the course of the conversation, with so much information coming at you and so many emotions inside you, it is easy to miss something if you don’t have a list of questions and comments you want to discuss with the attorney.

Any advanced preparation you do before your appointment helps guide your DUI lawyer to begin a great defense plan as soon as possible. Your advanced preparation also ensures you walk away with confidence, knowing your questions have all been answered and you are well on your way to the best possible outcome for your case.

1 comment:

  1. Hello thanks for sharing information.Its very interseting blog.Please update the blog.phoenix dui attorney
